Let's start with a little party.

No matter how prepared for silence I think I am, the first post of a blog always feels eerie. Kind of like I threw a party for myself, setting out the appetizers and making small talk with my shadow.

What makes it doubly eerie is that I'm plunging back into my daily writing practice after four months off. Blowing the dust off my files and story work. Remembering all the little daily tricks that work, as well as the mental traps that don't.

A lot of beginnings, all at once.

So instead of having a party of one here on the Internet, I thought I'd bring in a bunch of voices to keep me company. Courage in numbers, perhaps? It's a bit like turning on the stereo, cranking up the music before the guests arrive. (And maybe having a mini dance party as well.)

What will I be playing? Well, it's something of a mix tape.

I'm one of those writers that loves compiling quotes about writing. I tack them up around my workspace, I copy and re-copy them into journals, I brandish them at writers' meetings. There's something so reassuring about hearing from other writers, people who have been down this path, who are still walking it. I feel better equipped, just knowing they've been here before.

Kinda like they're saying, Welcome to the trenches. Here are your boots.

That's where I'm starting: with other writers. I'll be posting a quote a day, to jumpstart my own daily work. Just a short quote, one that helps kick me in the butt when I need it, or that encourages me when I'm feeling drab.

So there will be music playing when the guests show up, and we'll all have something to talk about. But until then, I'll be getting back to work, and jiving on all these great words from the people who know the craft.

It's thirty days of good advice! Starting now.